Yellow Waychests are going away
December 31 2024 Update: Yellow Waychest builds have been removed from the world. The page below is preserved in the original form it was posted with on December 1st.
On December 31st, 2024, all builds accompanying Yellow Waychests will be removed from the world permanently. Any Journey created after December 11th will never have any dreams or flights involving Yellow Waychests.
The Waychests themselves will remain as warp points for anyone who already discovered them or who stumbles upon them later.
What are Yellow Waychests?
Yellow Waychests are 7 special Waychests that were placed around the world by the server admin before the server launched in December 2023. Unlike Orange Waychests, which are placed by players on the server in survival mode, Yellow Waychests are accompanied by a structure which was built by KAIZEN87 with the help of external building tools. These builds were imported into the world (with permission) and marked with a Yellow Waychest. This gave early players a way to experience the server’s custom discovery system, even before anyone had a chance to place their own Orange Waychests.
What’s happening to them?
To mark 1 year since the server launched, the builds accompanying Yellow Waychests will be removed from the world on December 31st, 2024. The area surrounding each Waychest will be regenerated to its natural state, and only the Waychest will remain. These Waychests will be marked as “Not Discoverable”, meaning that no more flights or dreams will target them, but anyone who already discovered one will still be able to use it as a warp point.
To ease the transition for players who join the server in December, any Journey which is created after December 11th will receive the effects of this change early. Existing Journeys created before December 11th will continue to receive flights and dreams about Yellow Waychests until they are marked fully undiscoverable on December 31st.
Why are they being removed?
Yellow Waychests served their purpose during the first year that the server was open. They demonstrated how the Waychest system worked to early adopters, and they encouraged explorers to build and place their own.
However, the builds accompanying these Waychests pose a few problems to the continued activity of the server:
- Yellow Waychest builds take away the impact of the breathtaking builds made by real players. The scale of a structure made with external tools can easily dwarf that of a survival build with far less effort. By sharing a world and a discovery mechanism, comparison is both impossible to avoid and unfair to the dedicated builders who choose to create something incredible in pure survival mode.
- Yellow Waychest builds aren’t interesting enough to find. Any server list on the internet offers thousands of servers with a “spawn area” of similar scale and decadence to the builds found at Yellow Waychests. Kaizen’s builds are impressive, but they are not unique to this server. I devised Waychest with the goal of making a Minecraft experience that is one-of-a-kind, and that uniqueness is lost every time someone’s first Waychest discovery is similar to what they can see immediately on any other server.
- Yellow Waychest builds do not belong to the server. They are here with permission from the builder, and I am committed to respecting the builder’s intellectual property as long as I use them. This opens some tricky ethical questions about how the server is allowed to evolve, which I prefer to avoid going forward.
- Yellow Waychest builds feel empty. One of my favorite things about this server is the style of correspondence that arises from its format. I love to visit old Waychests and see signposts that have built up over time, many full of lovely compliments. There is something beautiful about this fleeting connection between Journeys, a near-miss in time and space that yet brings us together through sharing a single years-long adventure. None of that happens at Yellow Waychests.
What will happen if I already found a Yellow Waychest?
The Waychest will remain roughly where it is now. You will still be able to warp to and from it freely. The surrounding build will be gone and replaced with natural terrain.
What about Mini Waychests?
The Mini Waychests in these builds will be removed completely.
Will other Waychests be affected?
No. No player creation will ever be removed from the world unless the build threatens coexistence.
What if I want to build something on the empty space where the Yellow Waychest sits?
You are welcome to do so! Protection will be completely disabled for Yellow Waychests after builds are removed. I don’t mind moving the Yellow Waychest or letting you place your own Orange one, just contact me.
What if I really liked those builds?
Go support KAIZEN87 on Patreon! All of the Yellow Waychest builds are linked below, and you can subscribe to get full schematic downloads.
Click a blurred section to reveal the full name (The first few letters are shown so you can find the ones you already discovered in-game).
- Du
ne City - Fr
ench Chateau - Im
pact City - Ja
panese Castle - Re
tro House - Se
a Castle - St
. Patrick's Cathedral
Closing thoughts
Go forth and build something better! I look forward to finding it.
- Chips